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"VA AU DIABLE" Group show @Galerie Kamchatka, Paris, France. June 2010.

Produced by Classic, Va Au Diable was an exhibition event involving both all group members within a new installation while allowing free rein to some experienced artists that account (Honet, Stak, Earl, Nascio Noah Nadaud NP77 Silvio Magaglio, Gues, Smurf, 2shy, Spit).

Appeared at the beginning of the 90s, the VAD is primarily a group of graffiti. Va Au Diable as a perfect definition of their vision of life as a great self-destructive mass. After twenty years of extreme practices in the streets of Paris, but also festivals, travel
and all kinds of deviance, its members have also gained experience in the field of artistic creation. Individually, each has experienced other ways, gradually building a work style.

This exhibition was also an opportunity to propose an original book published only 500 copies. Rather conceived as a monograph group a faithful catalog of the works shown, it will be the permanent record of this exhibition.

Va Au Diable Book
144 pages - 15 x 21 cm
Perfect bound / Soft cover with flaps
Printed in France